All Learner Subjects should have Report Marks for Terms Passed
If a Learner only entered in e.g. Term 2, Term 1 Report Marks will not be checked.
»»» Tip:If the Learner switched subjects a report mark for subject in the previous terms will still be required, enter a calculated mark or -1 for absent. »»» Tip:If the Learner is a new registration the previous term report marks are not going to be required, e.g. entered in Term 2, Term 1 Report Marks will not be checked.
Subjects with Missing SBA Task Marks
All Tasks used for the SBA with the task date more than 3 weeks ago should have Marks
Shows the Number of Subjects with missing SBA Tasks Marks for a Learner in a Specific Term
»»» Tip:If the Learner switched subjects a mark for the previous tasks is still required and is going to be used for the end of year SBA, enter a calculated mark or -1 for absent. »»» Tip:If the Learner is a new registration the previous task marks are still required and are going to be used for the end of year SBA, enter a calculated mark, the mark from the transcript or -1 for absent. »»» Tip:Make sure the Task Dates are correct for the subjects and term under Curriculum -> Maintain SBA -> SBA »»» Tip:Use the Subject SBA Marks Not Complete section of the report to easily determine which subjects still need SBA Marks